Just as a doctor only requires a single tube of blood to carry out a test, every MOTORcheckUP test only requires one drop of oil to find out if your engine is still ‘healthy’.  Choose safety and regularly check your engine oil and fluids.

With MOTORcheckUP you can determine the condition of your vehicles engine fluids very simply. Through early diagnosis and remedial treatment of possible faults and causes, you will not only save money. This also extends the working life of your engine, saves fuel and retains performance.

A droplet of fluid from the component to be tested is necessary to determine the condition and thus the safety of the component.

Test the condition, wear and ageing of fluids for the following components:
–  Brakes,
–  Power Steering,
–  Hydraulic systems,
–  Gearbox,
(Automatic transmission / manual)

These test results show possible causes and consequences and provide a recommendation for any further necessary action.

The test can be carried out on cars, motorbikes, trucks, delivery vans, civil engineering and agricultural machinery, fork lift trucks, boats, ships, aeroplanes etc.. MOTORcheckUP is a simple, fast and reliable diagnostic system to test the condition of all 4-stroke diesel and petrol engines.

Remove the dipstick, drop a bead of engine oil on the test sheet. DONE!

The oil droplet changes to a pattern. Compare the results on the test sheet with the illustrations in the supplied brochure. You have your first result within 2 to 15 minutes.

MOTORcheckUP analyses:
–  Engine contamination
–  Engine oil condition
–  Water / coolant in the engine
–  Fuel in the engine oil

These test results show possible causes and consequences and provide a recommendation for any necessary further action.